Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009

Rob im Joy Magazine!

,,I always wanted to be a pianist and live in the south of France...''

Das mexikanische 'Joy Magazine' führte ein Interview mit Rob und in dem Magazin ist auch dieses neue Bild von ihm zu finden...

Das Interview vom Spanischen ins Englische übersetzt von!

,,In Twilight we got to see some sexual tension between Bella and Edward. That’s something very enigmatic. Will that continue in the rest of the movies?
I don’t think there was sexual tension, nor do I think that that’s the focus of the movies. I don’t see it that way. I think it’s a stroy about what it means to commit to a feeling and to the person that you love. Above all, it’s about finding someone to love despite having to fight so many problems that might show up. What hooks you about the movie, I’m convinced about it, is that it talks about the fear of what can happen to you if you fall in love and give yourself away completely. Realising how far you can go for love, passion and being amazed by it. People identify with it more than you can imagine. To me it’s not even a story about vampires, but about feelings that we’ve all felt before. It talks about the fear of feeling those things. It’s a movie with so many meanings, that’s why I like it and I think that’s why people like it too.''

,,Tell about how you can’t expect what’s going to happen when you go out.
Yes, it’s something I’m still taking in. I’m plain, I like normal things. But now there’s rumors about the places I like to visit, and I can’t go to those places anymore. One time I tried. I wanted to celebrate my birthday on the same place I always go to, and it was a total failure, There was so many people, I couldn’t have a good time. From that point on, I try to avoid places where I can be seen and become the object of paparazzi and curious people. I also avoid the hip, famous places where people think I might be at. I’ve changed them for darker places, those dodgy places where there’s good food and music. It’s sounds crazy, but I’ve had to develope strategies to go out with my friends and have a normal life. It’s the dark side of fame. But I don’t complain. I just asume that I have to deal with it now. Not everything can be perfect. I have so much already, having the oportunity of living from acting. It would be unfiar to say that I’m unlucky.''

Klammer auf:

Das sind mal Worte von Rob, ganz im Gegensatz zu dem was man im neuen Artikel von PerezHilton über Kristen lesen muss, bezüglich ihres Interviews im InterviewMagazine! Das lässt mich schon stutzen...ach was weiß denn ich, ich hab da glaub ich keine richtige Meinung zu, ist doch alles Banane^^, es gibt nur sicher Leute die größere Probleme haben als mit dem Erfolg fertig werden zu müssen :O

Klammer zu.

,,We know you can’t say much about New Moon, but don’t leave before you tell us, did you have to go to some place dark to play this vampire again?
Yes, the truth is that the way I wanted to play Edward was less powerful. He’s a character that can’t change his condition, he didn’t choose his fate. He was unconcious when Carlisle turned him into a vampire. When he woke up, three days later, he realized that in oder to survive he would have to kill people. Imagine what would you feel like if you knew you would never grow old and that you would live forever. And what’s worse, you didn’t look for it. You become a sort of Superman without even wanting to be that, you were just a 17 year old kid. You must feel a huge impotence and frustration. Instead of believeing you’re hero, you’re a person who can’t find himself and doesn’t know who he is. Understanding that has been fundamental in understanding Edward. That very human side of him is what I love about him and I feel like I can relate to that. There’s something we all find hard to change and face about ourselves.''

Das ist einfach mal total faszinierend wie Rob...also er scheint den Charakter 'Edward Cullen' wirklich in sich aufzusaugen und sich ernsthaft mit ihm zu beschäftigen, das ist einfach nur faszinierend und ich bin ihm echt dankbar dafür!

Komplettes Interview + Scans auf!


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