Samstag, 3. Juli 2010

US Kinocharts

Eclipse ist natürlich Platz 1 und The last Airbender liegt auf Platz 2

thx to kstewartfans
by Layla 

Charlie Bewley über Kristen & Rob

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are the main stars - how did they make you feel welcome on set?
I don’t think it was really their job to make us feel comfortable. At the end of the day we are all actors, it wasn’t like there was some sort of initiation process. They are obviously under a massive amount of pressure and to have this new family of Volturi step on set and become part of this thing, it was probably more nerve-racking for them! I loved talking to Kristen, though - she’s a very deep, intelligent person and Rob reminds me of a lot of people I know from home. He talked to me about his friends back home getting recording contracts. His music is really important to him but with 12-13 hour days there’s not much time for that. I’ve heard him play and he’s good.
Did Robert and Kristen seem like a couple on set?
I would see them together. And when it was lights, camera, action, they were obviously together and they acted that very well!
Twi-hard fans are very passionate - what was it like when you were filming?
The craziest part was shooting in Italy when the fans were allowed on the set. We had 5,000 fans in the space of a tennis court! The word got out who I was - eventually! So they would be all: ‘Charlie, Charlie, can I have your autograph?’ Then they’d get up closer and say: ‘Where is Rob?’ I think he was under lock and key somewhere! I remember the exact moment where I became famous. I turned round one day and there was a wall of photographers all snapping at me because a little girl had told them I played Demetri.

*hier* gibt es den Rest des Interviews

by Layla

Neuer Eward Still

leider nur in klein...

by Layla 

Magazin Scans

Jetzt zu Kinostart häufen sich ja mal wieder die Zeitungsartikel. Deshalb gibt es jetzt mal einen kleinen Sammel-Post 

Mädchen-Poster Special (ich glaube 3,90€)

deutsche Glamour

 via twifans

by Layla

Taylor Swift liebt Eclipse

Taylor Swift hat Eclipse auch schon gesehen und anscheinend hat ihr gefallen, was sie da gesehen hat...

... ob das jetzt nur am Film gelegen hat, oder ob Taylors Oberkörper auch so seinen Teil dazu beigetragen hat wissen wir leider nicht ^^

by Layla

Peter im Wandel der Zeit

Mir ist ehrlich gesagt noch nie aufgefallen, wie sich Peter mit der Zeit so verändert hat. Ich kannte ihn vor Twilight allerdings auch nur aus 'The Scorpion King'

*hier* gibt es noch jede Menge andere Bilder von Peter. Seine Frau Jennie Garth hat sich seit Beverly Hills 90210 auch ganzschön verändert. (das ist jetzt aber nicht negativ gemeint)

source  via
by Layla

Remember me BTS-Foto

by Layla 

Bilder vom WFE Set

source + mehr Bilder
by Layla

EW outtakes

by Layla 

Ashley im Asos Magezine

*hier* gibt es das Interview dazu

by Layla