Zur Promotion seiner neuen Serie Camelot sprach er im Interview mit MTV auch über Breaking Dawn, speziell darüber, dass Kristen einfach großartig als Vampir ist und dass Summit und alle um sie herum nen tollen Job beim Casting der Darsteller gemacht haben...
MTV Much of the chatter about the final films in the "Twilight" series revolves around Kristen Stewart's turn as vampire Bella, and from one vamp to another, Bower has nothing but praise for her performance.
"She's great as a vampire," he said. "I think she's perfect and they did a great job casting those movies.
"Again to be a part of something that is such a success and has influenced so many different things, I'm really honored to be able to do that," he added.
"The film itself, it's much darker than the first three. It's got a grittiness to it. From our side, the Volturi side, you really get to find out how messed up these characters are and just how badass they are," he said. "We're really evil people. I was always like, we're not evil, we're trying to keep it cool, but they are nasty blokes. So from us, you get to see how screwed up we are. That was great fun to play, just screw about on set and do as much as possible and be theatrical.