Samstag, 20. November 2010

Okay! Das was jetzt kommt...

hat mir definitiv den Tag gerettet!!


Eclipse Special Effects: Taylor als Wolf

Okaaayy, also Taylor da in diesem Anzug...Respekt an Kristen dafür, dass sie ein ernstes Gesicht beibehalten konnte^^

Immer wenn ich Taylor in diesem Anzug sehe, muss ich an das folgende Video denken. Ihr werdet schon herausfinden warum ;O

Quelle via TwilightFans


Twilight blows? LOL

thx Tom felton via Twitter


Red Riding Hood Trailer *Deutsch*


Schön, hätt mir ja mal jemand sagen können, dass Billy Burke ebenfalls in dem Film mitspielt^^*

Wir berichteten HIER


Twitter Update

Zeit mal wieder auf Twitter zu schauen, um zu sehen was unser lieber Cast so treibt :)

Lassen wir das erste Bild von Jamie einfach für sich sprechen^^

Jamiebower Big hat syndrome

Alex twitterte sein Bild aus der Sexiest Man Alive Ausgabe des People Magazine...

TheAlexMeraz Check out my photo for PEOPLE MAGAZINES "Sexiest Man Alive issue" in stores now

Check out my photo for PEOPLE MAGAZINES "Sexiest Man Alive issue" in stores now

Und u.a Jodelle, Tinsel und Valorie Curry sind im Harry Potter Fieber...

jodellemicah I am SO FREAKIN excited for Harry Potter 7! Gonna go to the theatre armed with a box of tissues, ready to cry my way through the movie!

valoriecurry Great night at the #GQMenoftheYearEvent. Up early for a shoot, and tonight...HARRY 

tinselkorey Ok I still haven't read the last Harry Potter book. So please don't release any spoilers :( I'm not going on twitter till I finish it.

Bronson liegt krank im Bett :(

sonofbrown A man I'm still sick can barely talk my throat

sonofbrown Is so swollen

Und Tinsel wünscht ihm gute Besserung :)

tinselkorey @sonofbrown I hope you feel better. Make sure you drink some tea with honey. Take ur vitamins & get tons of rest 

Und während Bronson krank im Bett liegt, geht es Jamies Knöchel schon besser...

Jamiebower Less than 4 hours spent on irish soil. Ankle getting better says Doc. Thank fuck says I. X

Kellan hat 3 Baby Katzen gefunden!

kellanlutz Got to get some cat food. Found some kittens in the barn. Precious little guys

 Got to get some cat food. Found some kittens in the barn. Precious little guys.

Und freut sich auf den Schnee...

kellanlutz Time to play in the snow. Oh, how I miss it. 

 Time to play in the snow. Oh,  how I miss it.

Genauso wie Jodelle :)

jodellemicah SNOW. your back...I've got a snowball and I'm not afraid to use it!

Ihr seht, es ist viel los auf Twitter und das hier ist nur ein Auszug. Also folgt uns ---> HIER


Michael Sheen über BD

AccessHollywood führte während der Britannia Awards (Wir berichteten) ein Interview mit Michael Sheen (Ich will immer Charlie Sheen schreiben :/) und die Reporterin versucht ihm ein paar Infos zum BD Skript zu entlocken, welches er schon gelesen hat! Michael darf natürlich nichts verraten, freut sich aber schon sehr auf die Dreharbeiten zu Breaking Dawn, vor allem da er in Eclipse nicht mit von der Partie war. Die Dreharbeiten beginnen für ihn im Dezember.

Es geht also um Vampire und Werwölfe? Erzähl kein Quatsch!!!

Quelle via BDM


Another Man Outtake von Rob

Wirklich tolles Profil *Hach*



BTS Video der Wasserfall Szene!

Einfach vorskippen bis 4:00

Und ganz nebenbei, man kann wirklich nicht meckern bei dem ganzen Video und Bildmaterial welches wir von dem Dreh zu sehen bekommen haben! Ich dachte vor einiger Zeit noch wir würden gar nix zu sehen bekommen, wegen der ganzen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen etc. Was für Glückspilze wir doch sind :O

thx Robsessed


Freitag, 19. November 2010

Kellan in Men's Health BTS Video


Mehr von 'Jumping Rob'

candykizzes24:  Hide yo kids…hide yo wife…cause #diverob be creepin up on everyone in this bitch. ROBAMA!


Jumping Rob: diehard Democrat or threat to national security?Jumping Rob goes where every chocolate lover dreams of going.


Jumping Rob tries to tell Bella that she forgot her deodorant.Jumping Rob is tired of hearing this song, too.

Auf FuckYeahJumpingRob findet ihr noch mehr :O



Jamie in Camelot *Stills + Video*

Klicken für Bild in voller GrößeKlicken für Bild in voller GrößeKlicken für Bild in voller Größe

Weitere Bilder findet ihr auf


Rob in der Top 10 der Harry Potter Hotties 
Rob ist knapp hinter Tom Felton auf Platz 2 gelandet und Tom ist selbst auch ganz überrascht...

1. Tom Felton Nine years ago, when I first saw "Sorcerer's Stone" in theaters, I never would have dreamed that one day I would say the boy behind that brat Draco Malfoy would earn the No. 1 spot on a sexiest men of "Potter" list. But during those years, Tom Felton has not only become absolutely gorgeous but one of the sweetest and most charming men on the "Potter" cast, and, as we've shown, there are a lot of them. Plus I like the bad boys, what can I say?

2. Robert Pattinson We would be remiss if RPattz didn't make it on our list, and—prepare your rotten veggies—I'll be the first to admit that I definitely think he is much hotter as Cedric Diggory than he is as Edward Cullen. Plus he has one of the top five most heartbreaking deaths in "Harry Potter" history, which earns him a top spot on this list. His death scene made me cry more than Sirius Black's, and that's saying something.

3. Sean Biggerstaff <--- In ihn hier war ich lange Zeit sehr verliebt, nachdem ich den Film gesehen hatte^^
You might find yourself asking, "Who the hell is Sean Biggerstaff?" Sean had the fairly small role in the first two "Potter" films of Oliver Wood, Harry's Quidditch captain, but he is a fond memory that we love looking back on again, and again, and again. We suggest you hop on the bandwagon as well

4. Daniel Radcliffe My goodness, Daniel Radcliffe turned out well. Sure, we have a special place in our hearts for the tiny boy with big glasses and a lightning bolt scar from "Sorcerer's Stone," but Dan is just so charming in person (and talks at a rate of about a thousand words a minute) that he managed


5. Christian Coulson <--- Als mir meine Schwester erzählt hatte, dass 'der eine Typ aus Harry Potter' für die Rolle des Edward Cullen gecastet wurde, dachte ich zu erst er sei gemeint!
Before the Big Three had hit puberty in the films, we were already drooling over their arch enemy, Tom Riddle (a.k.a the boy who became Voldemort). Christian Coulson definitely made his mark in those few scenes he had in "Chamber of Secrets," and we're guessing the filmmakers didn't bring him back for "Half-Blood Prince" because they probably didn't want all the girls in the audience drooling over someone who would become the most evil being alive. C'est la vie.


6. Freddie Stroma Cormac McLaggen might not have been the nicest person on the Quidditch team, but he sure was pretty to look at. Fortunately it looks like his purpose lasted beyond "Half-Blood Prince" since we'll be seeing Freddie Stroma again in "Deathly Hallows: Part 1." Thank goodness, because we need more blond beauties in "Harry Potter."


7. Rupert Grint
Who would have thought that hilarious Rupert Grint would grow up to be so freaking awkward/adorable. Sure, not all of you out there might be into gingers (more for us!), but it's hard to deny that Rupert has an irresistible sort of charm that we're looking forward to seeing more of in the future.


8. Stanislav Ianevski
Looks like Viktor Krum won't be making a return in "Part 1" like he did in the book, but that mostly bums us out because it means we won't have a reason to drool over Stanislav Ianevski some more. Remember a time when we all thought that he was hotter than Robert Pattinson in "Goblet of Fire"?


9. James and Oliver Phelps <---In einen von beiden war ich auch verliebt...obwohl, wahrscheinlich in beide^^
Oh yeah, ladies, we get to put hot twins on our list too! (Two is always better than one, right?!) The Phelps boys have not only charmed our socks off as Fred and George Weasley, but they've also grown into two dashing young gentlemen (who also happen to be just as funny in real life!) 

10. Matthew Lewis Yes, Neville Longbottom is supposed to be awkward and homely, but boy has Matthew Lewis grown out of that. He started off as being geeky and adorable in "Sorcerer's Stone," but has definitely toughened up over the years. Also, we should note that when Matt is out of his Neville make-up, he looks a whole lot cuter.


Christian Serratos in neuer Serie

ABC hat nun grünes Licht für das Projekt gegeben. Die Serie hat bisher noch keinen Titel. EXCLUSIVE: ABC gave the green light to pilot his new untitled drama from the creator of The Secret Life of an American teenager, Brenda Hampton. Katelyn Tarver (Big Time Nick Rush), Valerie Tian (Juno), Ana Lucasey (Lie to Me), and Christian Serratos (The Twilight Saga) will lead the project for an hour, which revolves around four ethnically diverse adolescents attending private school in California. Rounding out the cast are Brad Rowe (Tell Me You Love Me), and Larry Clarke.

Lese ich da etwas von Brenda Hampton? Brenda Hampton...das sagt mir was! Ach ja...

WAS WAR ICH FAN! Ich kenne jede Folge und wie mir die Mutter immer auf die Nerven gegangen ist!! Ich weiß nicht wieso ich mir das eigentlich angesehen habe, ich weiß es nicht! Ich meine ...and 'Happy' as Happy! Geht's noch? Und diese Zwillinge haben entweder immer gleichzeitig gesprochen oder sich ihre Sätze gegenseitig vollendet ! Hah, ich habe diese Serie geliebt^^



Weitere brisante Details zum BD Script!


Es gibt da eine Fanseite namens RobstenDreams, die folgendes verkündet hat: Sie stehen angeblich in Kontakt mit einer Quelle, die widerum irgendwie mit dem Dreh zu BD in Verbindung steht. Inwiefern das der Fall ist und Details dazu wurden nicht genannt. Ihr Name ist Nona in Nola und sie hat sich anscheinend dazu bereit erklärt ein paar ihrer Infos mit den Fans zu teilen. Es gibt also jetzt ein paar Infos für uns, welche sie in der letzten Woche mit den Betreibern von RobstenDreams geteilt hat. Sie ist selbst Fan der Saga und von Robsten und ihr liegen die Fans sehr am Herzen. Also ich für meinen Teil finde das alles völlig in Ordnung. Und so lange sie keine intimen Fotos von wem auch immer *Hust Rob&Kristen Hust* geschossen hat, soll es mir recht sein :) Nun denn...


Kurz: Rob und Kristen sollen offiziell keine Sex Szenen in Rio gedreht haben. All diese Szenen sollen im Studio in Baton Rouge gedreht werden. U.a das Bett steht in der Mitte des Raumes und wir werden mit Sicherheit zerfetzte Bettlacken und Kissn zu sehen bekommen ;O Nola wurde ebenfalls zu Lainey's Artikel über die Details zum BD Script gefragt, genauer gesagt die Prägung von Jake auf Renesmee (wir berichten) Diese Behauptungen sind richtig, aber noch viel detailreicher was den Kampf betrifft. So kommt das komplette Wolfpack (nach der Geburt) zum Haus der Cullens um gegen Edward, Alice und Jasper zu kämpfen, um dann das 'Ding' zu töten. Edward jedoch ist in der Lage ihre Gedanken zu hören und weiß damit schon vor dem Angriff über ihren Plan bescheid. Das alles passiert während Jacob drinnen bei Renesmee ist. Die Cullens sind gerade dabei den Kampf zu verlieren als Carslile, Emmett und Esme dazustoßen. Als Jacob sieht was vor sich geht, begibt er sich nach draußen, bleibt dabei jedoch in seiner menschlichen Gestalt. Er brüllt das Wolfpack an sie sollen aufhören zu kämpfen und das sie, wenn sie Renesmee umbringen, ihn ebenfalls töten. Sam bringt *ich hoffe das ist jetzt richtig überstzt von mir* Jacob schließlich dazu sich zu verwandeln und Edward übersetzt von da an Jacobs Gedanken für alle Anwesenden. Er sagt, dass Jacob sich auf Renesmee geprägt hat und sie deshalb nicht getötet werden kann. Daraufhin geben die Wölfe nach, da es ihnen nicht erlaubt ist die Gesetze ihrer eigenen Welt zu brechen.

Weitere Infos werden folgen in den kommenden Tagen *Freu*

VS FACT  The night that supposedly Rob and Kristen spent the night on Isle Esme was incorrect.  Rob and Kristen were in fact the first ones off the island but the weather got very bad like 70 mph winds and there for everyone else including Stephenie Meyer got stuck on Isle Esme and the crew and all were forced to sleep wherever they could.  The crew was very unhappy that they had no alcohol.  Haha!! I would be too!  Nona has confirmed that Rob and Kristen have not officially filmed any sex scenes in Rio! I am kind of glad too with that creepy guy filming BTS without Summit being aware.  All those scenes will be filmed in studio in Baton Rouge.  Hmmm….Well Ladies all the fun is about to begin and has already began!!
In fact in soundstage 2 at Celtic Media Center is where the interior Isle Esme set, including the honeymoon bed, bathroom with the most gorgeous bathtub in the center of the room that you’ve ever seen, and patio lounge area.(BATH TUB OH YES I LOVE THIS!)
The honeymoon bed is a 4-poster bed and it stands in the middle of the room. You will actually get to see the sheets being shredded, pillows torn apart, and headboard ripped into pieces which I’m sure the fans are going to love! Ummm YES WE WILL LOVE!!

Also confirmed by Nona is Rob and Kristen are together all of the time!  Nona has never seen them with out each other!!! I know!! I LOVE IT!! They are also staying together in their own place (Of course no one knows and it should stay that way.) while filming is in production.  There has not been a lot of interaction with Robsten at this point but stated that Kristen is absolutely more beautiful in person than on film and is super tiny, and in fact most of the main cast is sooo beautiful and looks even more gorgeous with out any make up on like Kristen and Ashley. 
Lastly I asked about the Lainey Gossip rumor yesterday and yes the imprinting piece is true but much more detailed.  As for the fight, that’s different than that what Lainey described. The entire wolf pack come to fight Edward, Jasper and Alice to get inside to kill “the thing”. Edward was able to read their thoughts before they got there to see their intentions. While this is happening, Jacob is inside with Renesmee.  The Cullens are about to lose the fight when Carlisle, Esme, and Emmet join the fight too. Then Jacob sees from the window what is going on outside and goes out, staying in human form. He yells at the pack to stop attacking. And he says that if they kill her (Renesmee), they kill him. Sam in wolf form snarls and knocks Jacob over, causing him to phase. Once he’s phased, Edward translates Jacob’s thoughts to everyone. He says that Jacob has imprinted, and because of that, no one can kill the baby because no one can kill someone who has been imprinted on. Then the wolves retreat. They cannot disobey this law of their world.
Lastly all rumors about Fairy Dust Cakes doing the cake for the wedding are just that. They are rumors and are not true.
I do have more information to release but will wait for another day!! As I get more information I will post.  I hope you all love this as much as I did. I can’t wait to share more as it progresses

thx BDM 


Jacksons Web Diary (Tagebuch)

The next few months are jam-packed for “Twilight” star Jackson Rathbone. Not only is he filming the final installment of everyone’s favorite vampire film franchise in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but his bandmates from 100 Monkeys are down there with him, working on their upcoming album and performing fun-filled shows. Wish you could join in on all the fun? Well now you can! Welcome to Jackson Rathbone’s web diary (a Hollywood Crush EXCLUSIVE!)

Quelle via JacksonRathbonOnline


Eclipse Commentary ScreenCaps *Spoiler*

Uhhhh!! Ich bin mir sicher, die Unterhaltung von Rob und Kristen auf der Eclipse DVD wird einfach mal soooo witzig werden!
Hier seht ihr schon mal ein paar Screencaps vom Audio-Kommentar der beiden :) Rob befand sich während der Aufnamen übrigens in LA und Kristen in Montreal...

Und hier mal noch ne Art "Protokollausschnitt" von dem, was die beiden alles so erzählen :D *Spoiler*

Rob was in LA and Kristen was in Montreal when they recorded it. They are interacting just like CW and his editor in NM commentary.

Like in Twilight, there are lot of cheeseburger talk in this one.
Rob just had an In-and-Out cheeseburger and Kristen is ‘harboring hostility’ over this because she wants one, too. Oh and Rob has another one by his side…which he finished up through the movie.

Its like a Rob and Kristen radio comedy show with Kristen giggling, laughing and saying “Shut up” to Rob the whole time. Think Oprah backstage interview. Oh and of course, there’s Rob and his different voices throughout.

Bella’s wig was ridiculed throughout the whole time. Lots of “follicle issue” in this film, wig and sideburns. Rob: Why do I have such long sideburns?
Rob: “You look like Damian Marley”
Kristen: “I look like Jacob.

Rob commented all throughout that that there is “too much kissing” in this movie. Lol It only proves he is “prudish and conservative”

More food talk. Shawarmas, butterscotch and chipotle.

Kristen talks about sharing with Sam Riley the plot of Breaking Dawn story, ‘imprinting’ .

They talked about the LA Convention with the girls shouting. “Take your shirt off” and “Bite that pillow”.

Edward is more secure than Rob. He can handle ‘the Jacob threat’, while Rob stays upset.

Kristen said she filmed the entire ‘third wife” flashback scene. She had two braids and wore a fake tan. “I did all those. That’s me.”

Bella’s bed is small. Rob says its “so tiny, its very bouncy, very annoying. Every time my feet would hang at the end and stuff.”

via Robstenation