Sonntag, 21. November 2010

My Life is Twilight


Ich habe vor kurzem eine interessante Seite entdeckt mit dem Titel My Life is Twilight. Dort schreiben Menschen Erlebnisse aus ihrem Leben auf, die sie irgendwie an Twilight erinnert haben. Oder sie berichten von Ereignissen die ihnen passiert sind, die erstaunliche Parallelen zur Twilight Saga aufweisen. Sie schreiben außerdem von Geschehnissen die sie dann und wann an Twilight erinnert haben. Dinge die nur einen eingefleischten Fan der Saga in einer bestimmten Situation einen Bezug zu Twilight herstellen lassen. Es sind aber auch teilweise ziemlich lustige Begebenheiten mit dabei, hier mal ein Auszug...

Today last year, some new neighbours moved into the house next to mine (which is right next to a forest with a river). Their surname is Hale. The father is a doctor. His son is called Ed. Whenever it is sunny-which is hardly ever- they always go camping. Guess what, they drive a silver volvo. MLIT.

Last Month I was in my dad's car at a petrol station whilst he was paying in the kiosk. I looked inside through the window and there was a guy staring straight at me who looked exactly like Peter Facinelli! I got uncomfortable and looked away, but when I looked back, he was still staring! MLIT.

Today I was driving home from work and listening to the Eclipse soundtrack. When the song "Million Miles an Hour" came on (the part where you first see Jacob in the movie) I looked out my window and saw a hot guy without a shirt on! That song is now my all time favorite! MLIT

I'm sitting in class and the teacher begins to talk about washington i immediatly think of twilight. My friend beside me is tall, pale and thin with amber looking eyes! He brushed up against my skin freezing! I look up "i know what you are." He proceeds to go "say it say it out loud!" Whoa i didnt expect that. MLIT

Today, while in Biology we got a new student i instantly introduced myself and said "Hi Im Carly is you're name Edward?" He replied with "No, and just cause im new doesnt mean im a vampire ;)" I think im in love.

Today I woke up from a nap on my girlfriends couch only to realize that she had covered me in Twilight body glitter while I was asleep. FML+MLIT

Today I asked my boyfriend if he would hold ice to his lips for a minute before he kissed me, so I could pretend I was kissing Edward. He did. MLIT

Today, my mom was opening her mail and I heard her say "Ouch, a paper cut..." I quickly turned around with my eyes wide and yelled "WHERES JASPER?!" She told me to leave.~MLIT

Today, I went to see New Moon. Someone had brought an Edward cutout with them. While waiting in line, I noticed him among other's waiting to go in to the theater and for a split second I freaked out thinking he was real. MLIT.

Today I realized that I am so obsessed with Twilight and couldn't think of any other way to describe my situation other than: I'm Bella, my boyfriend is Edward, and one of my best friends is Jacob. MLIT.

Today, at dinner we were talking about a family member who had recently passed. His name was Edward. While everyone was crying and talking about him, I was sitting there smiling thinking about Edward Cullen. MLIT.

To be continued ;)


3 Kommentare:

  1. hahaha :), das ist ja sowas von genial. ;D

  2. Haha. Also eine SUPER Verarsche von ...
    ich liebe ja diese seite Fmylife ...aber ich glaube diese twilight seite ist noch VIEL besser.hahahaha
    Das mit dem Eis war ja schon cool haha :)

    Ich hatte auch ein paar Twilight Erlebnisse...aber die hab ich doch schon längst wieder vergessen... :(

  3. Ich hab auch manchmal solche Erlebnisse! Eins was mich fast tagtäglich an Twilight erinnert: Ich wohne genau wie Bella in Forks im/am Wald und bei uns gibt es in den letzten 1,2 Jahren immer mehr Wölfe. Wo Wölfe sind müssen doch auch .... na ihr wisst schon ;)


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