Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

Guri Weinberg bloggt über Rob am Breaking Dawn Set

Guri Weinberg aka Stefan betreibt ja einen eigenen Blog. Und auf diesem schrieb er nun erneut eine kleine Anekdote über seine Zusammenarbeit mit Rob an Breaking Dawn nieder. Ich sag nur so viel: die beiden müssen ziemlich viel geraucht haben...

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On Breaking Dawn, I would generally find Rob Pattinson already smoking when I'd go outside to sneak a few puffs in. We would generally start chatting about whatever, he'd get fired up about whatever we were discussing and he would then generally finish his cigarette and ask for one of mine. He'd light another one and we'd keep talking. Then I'd light another one. We would chain smoke if there was a long enough break on set. I hate to say that's how we got to know each other but that's how we got to know each other. As shooting went on, I was smoking a LOT. Getting sick, looking tired, yada, yada, yada. So, I started my daily rant that my wife is ALL too familiar with through many attempts to quit - " I gotta stop smoking".

Rob looks at me and says, "You know, I heard that if you quit before you're 30 you're in the clear, health-wise."

Since I am passed 30, that doesn't seem too good.

"Hey, Rob. I'm over 30."

He just looks at me totally non-plussed. "I know."

Silence. I'm waiting for the "but"…it's not coming.

"Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine. Do me a favor - Go f*** yourself."

He's laughing hard now. He keeps trying to talk but he's laughing too hard. Feigning intense indignation, I get up to go to my room.

"Listen, man. I gotta go. Costco has a sale on caskets right now and obviously it's a matter of minutes AT MY AGE."

Now, he's having trouble breathing, he's laughing so hard. But, I'm still thinking…man…I have been smoking for way too long.
Bis jetzt hat Guri es ürbigens noch nicht geschafft, das Rauchen aufzugeben...

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