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Bill Condon wird, wie ja schon spekuliert wurde, die Regie zu Breaking Dawn übernehmen!
Rob und Co sollen zwar noch nicht unterschrieben haben, es wird aber erwartet das sie natürlich mit von der Partie sind und das ist wahrscheinlich auch der Grund dafür das das Studio (Summit) noch nicht angekündigt hat ob es nun ein Film oder zwei Filme werden.Stephenie Meyer soll sich auch schon mit Condon getroffen und über das Projekt gesprochen haben!
As reported earlier, Summit Entertainment has found its next "Twilight" filmmaker and now formally locked up Oscar-winner Bill Condon to direct "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn." While none of the stars have signed deals yet, the entire cast including Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are expected to return. This is possibly one reason the studio has not confirmed whether, as rumored, there will be one or two "Breaking Dawn" films.
“I'm very excited to get the chance to bring the climax of this saga to life on-screen. As fans of the series know, this is a one-of-a-kind book - and we're hoping to create an equally unique cinematic experience," said Bill Condon.
The fourth book in Stephenie Meyer's popular series chronicles Bella's most advanced initiation into the vampire world to date, but is also seen by many as the most difficult to adapt of all the best-selling novels. Melissa Rosenberg, who adapted the first two novels, would continue in that role for "Dawn." Stephenie Meyer has already met with Condon to discuss the project. She noted in the release, "I'm so thrilled that Bill wants to work with us. I think he's going to be a great fit, and I'm excited to see what he does with the material."
Erik Feig, President of Production and Acquisitions, for Summit Entertainment added, "Bringing Stephenie Meyer's BREAKING DAWN to the screen requires a graceful and intelligent hand and we believe Bill Condon is exactly the right steward, having shown equal and abundant talents of immense creativity and subtle sensitivity."
thx EclipseMovie /Twifans
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