"Some non-romance related updates for you Twi-Hards, this has to do with shooting location in response to the daily flurry of emails I receive for production information related to the 4th and possibly 5th movie(s).
You’ll recall I was the first to report that due to provincial tax credit drama and competing incentives, Portland became a more viable location. Despite reports elsewhere, as of this weekend, no final decision has been made. Having said that, Vancouver remains Summit’s first choice even though the tax credit situation has yet to be sorted.
My sources tell me exclusively Summit representatives met with the BC government just before Christmas to see if a favourable arrangement could be worked out. That meeting concluded with NO commitments from government officials who explained that they were not prepared to look at any new tax structure until after the Olympics. Summit was hoping to make a decision sooner.
Further, many crew members who worked on Twilight New Moon and Eclipse are now working on the new Fox show Human Target (shot in Vancouver) which enjoyed a solid debut the other night. As of two days ago, those crew members have not been informed of any movement to go back to Twilight. Yet.
There’s been some buzz among certain local special effects firms that a contract is coming, anticipating a June start date. The timing is encouraging for those lobbying for a Twilight return. This would allow for 3 months of prep before principle photography in September. So it looks promising... but there are still many variables at play. Will keep you posted."Aha, ok.... also mal wieder nix Konkretes. Beide Standorte sind möglich, obwohl Vancouver Summit´s erste Wahle sei.
Twilight is back! - Midnight Sun erscheint im August!
Zugegeben ist diese News mittlerweile schon fast 2 Wochen alt, also für die
wenigsten von euch eine Neuigkeit, doch trotzdem kann das ja auf einem Blog
vor 4 Jahren
So langsam geht einem aber auf die Nerven.
AntwortenLöschenDie könnten echt einfach mal mit der ganzen Wahrheit rausrücken ^^
Die könnten wirklich mal sagen wo sie drehen, anderseits ist es natürlich gute PR für den Film. So wird schon über ihn gesprochen bevor der Dreh begonnen hat. Trotzdem nervt es langsam.
AntwortenLöschendie meckern rum das die von den Fans unter Druck gesetzt werden und machen so ein mega geheimniss draus und wer hat eigentlich diesen scheiss erfunden das wenn man was über einen Film weiss bevor der draussen ist das sich dann niemand den anguckt?
AntwortenLöschenSAGT es doch einfach und wir lassen euch in Ruhe xD (P:S wenn nicht stalken wir weiter xD)