via LaineyGossip:
Eclipse departures
Eclipse departures
On Saturday it was Ashley Greene and Taylor Lautner at Vancouver airport looking happy and relieved, making their exits with all their gear, now in promotion mode. With the release of New Moon less than a month away, we will be drowning in Twilight for the next several weeks as the actors embark on a massive publicity campaign that, for Summit, will hopefully result in a tremendous opening weekend take.
,,We're not quite finished yet though. A few scenes have yet to be shot and this will all happen in studio including "Edward" beating the sh-t out of and killing "Victoria" and...something to make you Twi-Hards jizzy:
My sources tell me exclusively that the final Eclipse scene to be filmed will involve some romance. “Bella” tries to work “Edward” Pattinson’s Marble Pole. [:O] Also there’s some corny banter about how he would have pursued her old school styles.
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Lainey beschreibt das immer so passend^^ "Marble Pole" :O
AntwortenLöschenNa auf die Szene bin ich ja mal gespannt Haha
ich fand den spruch auch echt zum schießen^^
AntwortenLöschenAuf dem ersten Foto erscheint auch wieder der geheimnisvolle Wagen von dem Punkt 12 Bericht. Dort ist doch Rob immer direkt in die Tiefgarage gefahren :D
AntwortenLöschen@Lukas: Oh ja, das ist der wirklich...oder den die haben mehere davon...Mysteriös