Freitag, 21. Mai 2010

Hot Guys Of Eclipse

"Part of how I was able to connect so easily to [my character] Mike Newton is that I had a very similar experience in high school. In our case, she liked me first and I liked her later, and that crossover time never worked out." Michael

"The first thing that attracts me to a girl is probably her clothes and her style, like cool jeans, sweet shoes, and a rocker tee." Kiowa

"I think monogamy is really unnatural. I'm not saying I'm a whore, but I'll definitely say…I don't think being with one person — especially throughout your youth — is that good for someone. I'm quite a lone wolf." Charlie

"What I learned through my experience of dating young girls was that they loved bad boys. They like guys that don't really care or have some kind of drama going on. Because I was an artist, I'd paint drawings of the girls. I'd do romantic things that I do not do now because of my lack of luck then." Alex

Artikel auf via EclipseMovie

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