Kommen wir zu wichtigerem, Laineys Artikel! Es gib viele Twilight Fans die sie NICHT mögen, dazu gehöre ich nicht, mir gefällt die Art wie sie schreibt und ich muss beim lesen sehr oft lachen :) In diesem Artikel schreibt sie über die in Vancouver stattgefundenen? stattgefunden haben? Ahhh egal, über die Reshoots und hat dazu ganz offensichtlich ihre eigene Meinung, unbedingt lesen!
Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner were back in Vancouver last week to work on Eclipse reshoots. Or “pick-ups”. They called it “pick-ups”. Because pick-ups are for small tech fixes and have nothing to do with actual content or new scenes. Which is why Stephenie Meyer, the author, was in town too. In a few short months, Meyer has suddenly become a movie lighting expert...what? No, no, she just thought it’d be a good idea to hop on a plane, fly a few hours and spend some time in Canada hanging out with the crew for sh-ts and giggles. Of course there was no scene doctoring required. None at all. Sh-ts and giggles only.
And of course there was very little reshooting to be done. So little that the crew wasn’t actually required to be on set for 16, 15, and 16 hour days for 3 straight days. They only stayed on set for fun. Away from their families, away from leisure time, all in service of fun. If anyone stayed on set for 16, 15, and 16 hours it was only because there was so much fun happening. No work, just fun. On a film set. Oh and there was totally no overtime penalty on the final day either. Overtime? For what? People were just sitting around like not working.
What could there possibly be to work on?
Something in the meadow? What? F-ck no. They only stored their gear in the meadow on Wednesday – photos attached – and storing gear in the meadow doesn’t mean shooting in the meadow. It’s just that some people have a lot of extra money lying around and wanted to rent some trucks and secure a permit for the meadow and store their sh-t in the meadow but not actually do any work in the meadow. For sh-ts and giggles.
Besides, how could they shoot in the meadow? Robert Pattinson hadn’t arrived yet. Pattinson arrived late afternoon on Wednesday. Were they expecting him the day before? Of course not. They were totally not expecting him on Tuesday. And when he didn’t show on Tuesday, they were totally not hoping he’d come in early on Wednesday either. His bodyguard was totally not spotted at the airport gas station on Wednesday hoping Pattinson would be on the early flight in from London (<---LOL)(Wednesday noon arrival) so that they could take him directly to the meadow set. Nah. Like I said, they just booked the meadow for sh-ts and giggles and equipment storage. That’s all.
As for how everyone was getting on... well everyone got on great. Of course David Slade wasn’t upset with Pattinson for arriving late. Pattinson arrived when he was supposed to. They totally weren’t trying to book the meadow again on Friday but were declined because of another production (Stargate) had it booked already. And there was no closed door meeting between Pattinson, Slade, and Twilight producers on Thursday. Nope. Never happened. And since it never happened, Pattinson never stormed off either. In fact, Pattinson arrived on Wednesday late afternoon but didn’t end up shooting a second until Friday because he also wanted to come in early and sh-t and giggle with Stephenie Meyer and the crew. Pattinson has a wonderful relationship with David Slade. They were like tight ass besties during principal photography last year. Slade thinks Pattinson has the skill of Marlon Brando. And Pattinson knows that Slade thinks he’s Marlon Brando. So there’d be no f-cking way these two would be throwing down.Interessante Dinge die Lainey da schreibt. Ob alles wahr ist weiß ich nicht, ob ich glaube, dass sie sich das alles aus den Fingern gesogen hat? Das weiß ich auch nicht, ABER Infos wie die über die Produktion zu Stargate in Verbindung mit dem Set für die Lichtung...naja.
Luschtig! Danke für diesen Tip, mußte gleich mal alle Blogs von Lainey zum Thema Twilight lesen *lol*. Die Dame (?) hat Biss...