Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

Neues Kapitel zu "The Host/Seelen"!

So, das ist doch mal ein Ding. Weil jetzt endlich das Taschenbuch von "The Host/Seelen" erscheint, hat sich Mrs. Meyer was nettes ausgedacht. In diesen Taschenbuch wird ein extra Kapitel zu finden sein. Etwas ganz ganz neues. 

Hier ein kleines Exzerpt:
"I’m all alone.

It’s dark. I can’t remember where I am … or why I’m here. It’s wrong that I’m alone. Where is Wanda? I can’t see to look for her. I can’t remember how to call for her. It’s silent. I can’t feel her. I can’t feel our body.

Panic starts to set in as I wait for her voice. For her to say my name. To tell me where we are. To open my eyes so we can see. I need to hear her voice — my voice, in my softest tone, my gentlest inflection.

I wait, but there is nothing. Just me and the dark.

The panic gets worse as I try to remember. Did she shut me out again? That happened once, I know, but I don’t remember it. I don’t think it was like this, panicking in the dark. It was just nothing then.

And I don’t think Wanda would do that. Because we love each other. I remember we said that. Just before …something. I try to dredge up the memory.

We were saying we loved each other.… We were saying …

Danke natii für den Tipp!


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