IESB: What is your favorite genre?
PF: I don't really have one, I try to do different things, what's appealing to me is to continue to push myself as an actor to do genres that I haven't done before, to try to surprise an audience as opposed to have them come to a Peter Facinelli movie and say, "hey, I know exactly what to expect." And when I line up characters like the Big Kahuna character I did with Kevin Spacey and put that next to the Fast Lane character and I put that next to the Scorpion King character and that one next to the Carlisle and put that character next to the Nurse Jackie character, they're vastly different from each other and that's what drives me as an actor. I am happy I look so different from Carlisle because no one confuses me with him, I think they are happy I am the actor that played that role and so, I just, as an actor, continue pushing myself. I like to win audiences over too, I mean, when I got the role for Twilight, there were a lot of people that hit the internet when I first got it and we're like, "I can't believe they cast Mike Dexter from Can't Hardly Wait as Carlisle." But now that they've seen the movie they've changed their minds.
IESB: I almost didn't recognize you.PF: They are vastly different characters.
IESB: So are you getting ready for this big epic finale Breaking Dawn, they are saying it's a two parter, possibly 3D, are they telling you to expect double the time for production?
PF: I haven't really thought about it much. We just came off of New Moon and I'm still in the gear of finishing up Eclipse, I'm getting ready to go out and promote Eclipse, that's my favorite book so I am excited to see that one hit the screens. But, I haven't really put much thought into Breaking Dawn, I think it will be bittersweet but I will be excited to be able to finish up this series and then move on from there.
IESB: I know Kristen Stewart is saying she is excited to see it broken up into a two-parter, would you like to see it that way?
PF: I would. I think it's a very big book, makes a great doorstop (laughing). It's a very thick book and has a lot of stuff going on so to try to squeeze that into two hours would be difficult so I think making it into two makes the most sense. I don't even know if they've made a decision on that yet, I heard that's what they were steering towards. But, I let them do their thing, when they call me to show up on set, that's where I'll be, I let them do the business stuff and I'm supportive of their decisions. Summit has done a good job with the books so far with picking the directors and putting the movies out there so I defer to them on those decisions and I'm just excited to bring Carlisle to life.
IESB: Any chance any of the previous three directors will return for Breaking Dawn or do you think they will go with one or two different directors?
PF: I think they would probably go with one because I think we would shoot it all as one and then it would be, in the editing room, split into two. I have no idea who they are looking at for directors, I'm out of that loop, but I am sure they will pick someone great. Maybe all three will come back to shoot it (laughing).
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